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Результаты 1-10 из 82.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2006Gas and RRR distribution in high purity niobium EB welded in ultra-high vacuum.Anakhov, S.; Singer, X.; Singer, W.; Wen, H
2009Ultrasonic investigations of the Jahn-Teller effect in a ZnSe: Fe2+ crystalGudkov, V. V.; Lonchakov, A. T.; Zhevstovskikh, I. V.; Sokolov, V. I.; Surikov, V. T.
2009Method of temperature waves in thermophysical investigations (Analysis of Soviet and Russian Experiences)Ivliyev, A. D.
2008On population dynamics of Ichneumon flies in the Visim ReserveFedyunin, V. A.
2008Oxidation of titanium carbide-graphite hetero-modulus ceramics with low carbon content. II. Physico-chemical interpretation of the ridge effectShabalin, I. L.; Roach, D. L.; Shabalin, L. I.
2005PWM control of direct frequency converter in AC electric drive systemShreiner, R. T.; Krivovyaz, V. K.; Kalygin, A. I.
2008Reply to comments by Yu. A. Skakov and M. A. Shtremel' on the article "induced Diffusion: The Main Mechanism for the Production of Driven Alloys"Gapontsev, V. L.
2009Giant magnetoresistive effect and magnetic resonance in the reflection of electromagnetic waves from Fe-Cr nanostructuresUstinov, V. V.; Rinkevich, A. B.; Romashev, L. N.; Kuznetsov, E. A.
2008Influence of heat treatment on the transparency of silicate thin films in the near-IR rangeShardakov, N. T.; Byzov, I. V.; Pankratov, A. A.; Kochedykov, V. A.
2007A new-generation energy-saving industrial controlled electric driveShreiner, R. T.; Krivovyaz, V. K.; Kalygin, A. I.; Shilin, S. I.