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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 616
Submit DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Apr-2023Integrative pedagogical technique of physical education of female students with overweightKolokoltsev, M. M.; Ambartsumyan, R. A.; Tretyakova, N. V.; Jagiello, W.; Yermakova, T. S.
29-Apr-2023I Intend to Rewrite and Supplement All Published Genealogical Books...: A Letter of V. V. Rummel to V. V. GolubtsovLarionova, M. B.
29-Apr-2023The Giant Effect of Nonreciprocity for the Microwave Magnetoresistance of (CoFe)/Cu SuperlatticesUstinov, V. V.; Rinkevich, A. B.; Milyaev, M. A.; Kuznetsov, E. A.; Perov, D. V.
29-Apr-2023Somatic and psychological distress among Russian university students during the COVID-19 pandemicZolotareva, A.; Belousova, S.; Danilova, I.; Tseilikman, V.; Lapshin, M.; Sarapultseva, L.; Makhniova, S.; Kritsky, I.; Ibragimov, R.; Hu, D. S.; Komelkova, M.
29-Apr-2023Western European Editions in the Manor Library of the 18th-Century Ural Industrialist Alexei TurchaninovPirogova, E. P.
29-Apr-2023Zoomorphic Metaphors as a Means of Dehumanization the Image of the Belarusian Police in the Russian MediaBudaev, E. V.; Chudinov, A. P.
29-Apr-2023Lithic Inventory of the Sanctuary on Koksharovsky Hill in the Middle Trans-Urals (Based on Materials from the 1955, 1957 and 1960 Excavations)Serikov, Y. B.
29-Apr-2023The sociology of education and the sociology of knowledge: The search for interactionZborovskiy, G. E.
29-Apr-2023A. Giddens' theory of structuration: Methodological aspectsKerimova, L. M.; Kerimov, T. H.
29-Apr-2023Personification of Personality as a Predictor of Overcoming the Crisis of Loss of Professional Activity at the Age of Late MaturityZeer, E. F.; Symanyuk, E. E.
29-Apr-2023Technology of obtaining composite conglomerate powders for plasma spraying of high-temperature protective coatingsGuzanov, B.; Pugacheva, N.; Slukin, E.; Bykova, T.
29-Apr-2023Patriotic Education of Youth in Contemporary ConditionsCherkasova, V.; Kopalova, O.; Abramova, S.
29-Apr-2023Regulatory Features of Child and Youth Tourism Regulation: National and International ExperienceTsokur, E. F.; Stepanova, D. I.; Neymyshev, A. V.; Allanina, L. M.; Dyakonov, M. Y.
29-Apr-2023Contemporary Russian Political Metaphorology (2011-2020)Budaev, E. V.; Chudinov, A. P.
29-Apr-2023Dynamics of Alpha Diversity During the Restoration Succession of Grass Communities of Fallow Lands and PitsZhuykova, T. V.; Meling, E. V.; Bezel, V. S.
29-Apr-2023Problems of Atypical Interiorization of Multi-Valued Omonyms of the Non-Native Language (based on the Relation of the Word to its Corresponding Words in English and Yoruba)Nekipelova, I. M.; Minasyan, S. M.
29-Apr-2023Dynamics of Projective Coverage and Species Diversity of Grass Communities During Restoration Succession on Fallows and DumpsZhuikova, T. V.; Meling, E. V.; Bezel, V. S.
29-Apr-2023Evacuation and Re-Evacuation of Educational Institutions and Students of the State Labor Reserves During the Great Patriotic WarZakharovsky, L. V.; Razinkov, S. L.
29-Apr-2023Organizational and pedagogical basis for the development of science and education networksDavydova, N. N.; Dorozhkin, E. M.; Fedorov, V. A.
29-Apr-2023The Decline of the Tsarist Navy: Naval Officers of World War IPavlenko, A. P.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 616