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Название: Training modernization strategy of the teachers of vocational education
Автор: Dorozhkin, E. M.
Zeer, E. F.
Shcherbina, E. Y.
Дата публикации: 2017
Издатель: Medwell Journals
Аннотация: The urgency of the problems due to the lack of scientifically grounded strategies (platforms) for upgrading the current system of educators training for continuous professional education. The increased need for development multi-channel variants of implementation of professional-pedagogical education is swept aside. The study aims to present a panorama of problems modernization-vocational teacher education and to justify the possibility of its solutions. The methodological basis of the study made by the concept of professional development of the individual, the provision on the integration of the system, process and project approaches and principles for the development of professional pedagogical education. Panoramic approach identified the logic of scientific research. Determined psycho-pedagogical problems of professional education and multidimensional metaprofessionalnye quality vocational school teachers. A innovative vocational qualification structure of teacher's continuing professional education, justified its psycho-pedagogical educational platform. The discussion aspect is reflected in the project psycho-pedagogical platform independent educational program including developmental psycho-pedagogical structural components: modules, minors, trainings implemented by high educational technologies. Science-based vocational qualification structure of educators in professional schools is an become the basis for a substantial expansion of organizational forms of training and vocational teaching personnel and ensure their social and professional mobility. Implementation of educational psycho-pedagogical platform will help to improve the quality of vocational education which it's important for the innovation economics of the country. The researchers are grateful to the founder and methodology of vocational teacher education Academician RAE G.M. Romantsev, evidence-based and train teachers of vocational training in Russia for the updating of our innovative research. © Medwell Journals, 2017.
Ключевые слова: ACADEMICIAN
ISSN: 1816-949X
DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2017.9061.9067
SCOPUS: 85047481139
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS

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