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Title: Psychological aspects of internet addiction of teenagers
Authors: Tserkovnikova, N. G.
Shchipanova, D. Y.
Uskova, B. A.
Puzyrev, V. V.
Fedotovskih, O. A.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IJESE
Abstract: The relevance of the problem under study is due to the lack of elaborated theoretical approaches to addiction and addictive behavior factors among children and adolescents, as well as due to the need and demand for psychological and pedagogical work with Internet addicted children and young people or with those who are potentially prone to Internet addiction, as well as with their parents. The purpose of the article is to study empirically the inclination to Internet addiction in the context of violated child-parent relationships (attitude of teenagers to their parents). The leading method of study is the psychodiagnostic method used to identify the specificities of the attitude of adolescents to their parents in the light of the inclination of adolescents to Internet addiction, the peculiarities of their motivation to use the Internet. The work presents the results of the research of the inclination to Internet addiction among teenagers, as well as the analysis of the factors leading to it. Special attention is paid to violations of child-parent relationships, acting as one of the factors determining Internet addiction in adolescence. The material of the article can be useful for psychologists and educators working in the education system, as well as for parents in the aspect of family upbringing. © 2016 Tserkovnikova et al.
ISSN: 1306-3065
SCOPUS: 84994104450
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS

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